Making Tables


A quick review of the gt package for making tables

I’ve wanted to dive into the gt package for making tables for awhile now. Here is a quick example of a table using data from a tidy tuesday a few weeks back. It seems my hugo theme is over-writing some of the table css, I’ll have to check that out.

Let’s read in the cocktails recipie

Show code
boston_cocktails <- readr::read_csv('') %>% 

Let’s make the data reasonable!

boston_tidy <- boston_cocktails %>% 
  # fix the measurements
  separate(measure, into = c('value', 'measurement'), sep = " ", remove = FALSE) %>% 
  # remove values that don't have properly formed measurements crudely
  filter(measurement == "oz") %>% 
  # convert fractions to decimals
  mutate(value = case_when(
    value == "1/2" ~ ".5",
    value == "1/3" ~ ".33",
    value == "1/4" ~ ".25",
    value == "3/4" ~ ".74",
    TRUE ~ value
  )) %>% 
  # magic
  type_convert() %>% 
  # only keep realistic values
  filter(value <= 5)

boston_table <- boston_tidy%>% 
  filter(!category %in% c('Non-alcoholic Drinks', 'Rum', 'Shooters')) %>% 
  group_by(category, name) %>% 
  summarize(total_ingredients = which.max(ingredient_number),
            total_ounces = sum(value)) %>% 
  arrange(category, desc(total_ingredients)) %>% 
  slice_head(n = 5) %>% 
  arrange(category) %>% 

make the table

boston_gt_table <- gt(boston_table, 
                      rowname_col = "name",
                      groupname_col = "category")

boston_gt_table <- boston_gt_table %>% 
    title = "Top cocktails by Category",
    subtitle = "Top 5 cocktails based on number of ingredients"
  ) %>% 
  tab_spanner(label = "Drink Information",
              columns = vars("total_ingredients", "total_ounces")) %>% 
    total_ingredients = "Total Ingredients",
    total_ounces = "Total Ounces",
    name = "Name"
  ) %>% 
    groups = TRUE,
    columns = vars(total_ingredients, total_ounces),
    fns = list(Total = "sum"),
    formatter = fmt_number,
    decimals = 2,
    use_seps = TRUE

boston_gt_table %>% 
  tab_options(table.width = "100%",
              table.font.size = "smaller",
              data_row.padding = "3px") %>% 
    source_note = md("Data comes from the [Tidy Tuesday project](")
  ) %>% 
  opt_align_table_header(align = "center")
Top cocktails by Category
Top 5 cocktails based on number of ingredients
Drink Information
Total Ingredients Total Ounces
Champs Elysees Cocktail 5 4.00
Cherry Blossom 5 2.50
D'artagnan 5 6.50
Deauville Cocktail 5 3.00
Gilroy Cocktail 5 3.48
Total 25.00 19.48
Cocktail Classics
Eye-Opener 6 6.50
Gloom Lifter 6 4.00
Hyatt's Jamaican Banana 6 5.50
New Orleans Gin Fizz 6 6.00
Prairie Oyster Cocktail 6 6.00
Total 30.00 28.00
Cordials and Liqueurs
Praire Oyster Cocktail 5 5.00
Absinthe Special Cocktail 2 1.25
Amaretto Rose 2 1.00
Amaretto Sour 2 1.24
Amber Amour 2 0.50
Total 13.00 8.99
The Winkle 6 11.00
Vow Of Silence 5 2.24
The Wink 4 4.50
Water Lily 4 2.96
Western Rose 4 3.00
Total 23.00 23.70
Rum - Daiquiris
Hai Karate 6 7.00
Ko Adang 6 5.00
Zombie 6 7.00
Floridita No. 3 5 4.24
Hush and Wonder 5 7.48
Total 28.00 30.72
Amante Picante 6 10.00
Chupa Cabra 6 5.24
Flower Power 6 9.50
Oldest Temptation 6 5.25
The Nomad South 6 5.50
Total 30.00 35.49
Ibiza 6 5.50
Long Island Iced Tea 6 4.20
Purple Passion Iced Tea 6 3.24
Sonic Blaster 6 4.50
Thyme Collins 6 10.00
Total 30.00 27.44
Blarney Stone Cocktail 6 5.50
California Lemonade 6 6.25
Carre Reprise 6 5.50
Chi-Town Flip 6 5.47
Double Standard Sour 6 3.73
Total 30.00 26.45
Data comes from the Tidy Tuesday project

More to come!


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


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