Exploring reactable to build high quality tables for publication.
Previously I took a look at the gt
package. Now I’m seeing what I can make of reactables
another interesting way to generate html tables. I’ll be using the latest tidytues dataset on x-men!
Load in the data
character_visualization <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2020/2020-06-30/character_visualization.csv')
Make a table. I’ll note I’m not digging too deep into the x-men content here; I’m just looking for an easy table structure.
top_speech <- character_visualization %>%
filter(!(character %in% c("Editor narration", "Omnipresent narration"))) %>%
group_by(character) %>%
summarize(across(speech:depicted, sum)) %>%
slice_max(order_by = speech, n = 15) %>%
separate(character, into = c("hero", "real_name"), sep = " = ") %>%
mutate(pct_speech = speech/sum(speech)) %>%
arrange(desc(pct_speech)) %>%
select(-real_name) %>%
select(hero, pct_speech, everything()) %>%
mutate(pct_speech = round(pct_speech, 3))
I added this css after the fact.
Render the table
# Render a bar chart with a label on the left
bar_chart <- function(label,
width = "100%",
height = "14px",
fill = "#00bfc4",
background = NULL) {
bar <- div(style = list(background = fill, width = width, height = height))
chart <- div(style = list(flexGrow = 1, marginLeft = "6px", background = background), bar)
div(style = list(display = "flex", alignItems = "center"), label, chart)
col_groups = c("speech", "thought", "narrative", "depicted")
compact = TRUE,
class = "x-men",
defaultSorted = "pct_speech",
highlight = TRUE,
defaultColDef = colDef(headerClass = "header", align = "left"),
columnGroups = list(
colGroup(name = "Representation Type", columns = col_groups)
columns = list(
hero = colDef(name = "X-Men Hero",
minWidth = 170,
style = list(fontWeight = 500)),
speech = colDef(name = "Speech",
format = colFormat(separators = TRUE)),
thought = colDef(name = "Thought",
format = colFormat(separators = TRUE)),
narrative = colDef(name = "Narrative",
format = colFormat(separators = TRUE)),
depicted = colDef(name = "Depicted",
format = colFormat(separators = TRUE)),
pct_speech = colDef(
name = "Proportion of Speech",
minWidth = 150,
defaultSortOrder = "desc",
cell = function(value) {
value <- paste0(format(value * 100, nsmall = 1), "%")
value <- format(value, width = 5, justify = "right")
bar_chart(value, width = value, fill = "#fc5185", background = "#e1e1e1")
align = "left",
style = list(fontFamily = "monospace", whiteSpace = "pre")
It’s super buggy using blogdown
. At first I couldn’t render the table using a .Rmarkdown file. Once I switched to an .Rmd it seemed to work. Seems like a great table making library.
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at https://github.com/colemanrob/robcoleman.ca, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".